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President Education Committee Member Social Committee Member Diana Perez
Wright Law Group, PLLC
2405 W Grand Ave, Ste. B, PMB 84356
Chicago, IL 60612-1577
Tel: (312) 778-6438 Fax: (312) 778-6438
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Vice President Courts Committee Member Nathan Lollis
Law Offices of Nathan Lollis, LLC
73 W. Monroe Street #230
Chicago, IL 60603 Tel: 312-788-9898
Fax: 877-788-9871 nathan@lollis-law.com
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Secretary Legislation Committee Co-Chair Conrad Noll IV
Resurgence Legal Group, PC3000 Lakeside Drive, Suite 309-S Bannockburn, IL 60015 Tel: 847-656-0550 Fax: 847-656-0551 cnoll@resurgencelegal.com
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Treasurer Administration and Finance Committee Chair
Michael S. Matek
Matek & Mazar, PC
77 W Washington Street,
Suite 1313
Chicago IL 60602
Tel: 312-372-5800
Fax: 312-372-1276
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Ex Officio
Education Committee Member Julie Beyers
Heavner, Beyers & Mihlar, LLC111 East Main Street Decatur, IL 62525 Tel: 217-422-1719 Fax: 217-422-1754 juliebeyers@hsbattys.com
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Technology Committee Member
Adham Alaily
Egan & Alaily LLC 20 S. Clark Street, Suite 2120 Chicago, IL 60603 Tel: 312.253.8640 Facsimile: 312.253.8660 aalaily@ea-atty.com
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Education Committee Chair Keith Barnstein
Markoff Law LLC 29 N. Wacker, STE 1010 Chicago, IL 6060 Tel: 312-698-7300 keith@markofflaw.com
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Legislation and Regulatory Affairs Committee Co-Chair, Courts Committee Member
Greg Czaicki
Weltman, Weinberg & Reis Co., L.P.A.
180 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 2400
Chicago, IL 60601 Tel: 312-253-9621 gczaicki@weltman.com
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Appellate and Ethics Committee Member Newsletter Committee Member Chris DiPlacido
Blitt and Gaines, P.C. 775 Corporate Woods Parkway Vernon Hills, IL 60061 Office Tel: 847-403-4900 cdiplacido@blittandgaines.com
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Membership, Publicity and Outreach Committee Chair, Landlord Tenant Committee Co-Chair
Steven J. Fink
Steven J. Fink & Associates, P.C. 5940 W. Touhy Ave., Suite 310C Niles, IL 60714 Tel: 312 696 1000
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Technology Committee Chair, Education Committee Member Douglas C. Giese
Swanson, Martin & Bell, LLP
2525 Cabot Drive, Suite 204
Lisle, IL 60532
Tel: (630) 779-6952
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Courts & Education Committee Member Michelle Golden
Mages & Price LLC
1110 W. Lake Cook Rd., Suite 385
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
Tel: (847)405-7600 Ext. 3
Fax: (847) 405-9030
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Administration & Finance Committee Casey B. Hicks
Weltman, Weinberg & Reis Co., L.P.A. 180 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 2400 Chicago, IL 60601 Tel: 312-253-9620 Fax: 312-782-4201 chicks@weltman.com
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Courts Committee Member Frank Janello
Blitt and Gaines, P.C. 775 Corporate Woods Parkway Vernon Hills, IL 60061 Office Tel: 847-403-4900 ext 2093 Cell Tel: 224-456-6658 Personal Tell: 309-660-7475 fjanello@blittandgaines.com
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Administration & Finance Committee Michael Joyce
Shindler & Joyce 1990 E Algonquin Rd., Suite 180 Schaumburg, IL 60173 Tel: 630-967-8401 Michael.joyce@shindlerlaw.com
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Membership, Publicity and Outreach Committee Member Marc Lichtman
Lichtman Eisen Partners Ltd.
134 N. LaSalle St., Suite 750
Chicago, IL 60602
Tel: 312-332-0247
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Newsletter Committee Chair
Ari Madoff
Mauer & Madoff LLC
180 W. Washington St., Suite 1000
Chicago, IL 60602
Tel: 312-324-3134
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Courts Committee Member
David Mauer
Mauer & Madoff LLC
180 W. Washington St., Suite 1000
Chicago, IL 60602
Tel: 312-324-3134
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Social Committee Chair, Administration & Finance Committee Member Bridget A. Maul
Schiller DuCanto & Fleck LLP
321 N. Clark St., Suite 1200
Chicago, IL 60654
Tel: (312) 578-6125
Fax: (312) 641-6361
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Membership, Publicity and Outreach Committee Member Mona Naser
Carlson Dash
216 S Jefferson St,
Suite 504
Chicago, IL 60661 Tel: (312) 382-1600 mnaserlaw@gmail.com
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Courts Committee Chair Michael Starzec
Blitt and Gaines, P.C. 775 Corporate Woods Parkway Vernon Hills, IL 60061 Office Tel: 847-403-4900 Fax: 312-920-0625 mike@blittandgaines.com
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Landlord Tenant Committee Co-Chair
Steven Titiner
Truemper, Titiner & Brouch, Ltd.
1700 N. Farnsworth
Aurora, IL 60505
Tel: 630-701-1200
Fax: 630-820-8582
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Executive Director Angela McLaughlin
400 E. Randolph St., #3115
Chicago, IL 60601
Tel: 312-872-3220
Fax: 312-540-9900
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400 E. Randolph St., #3115
Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: 312.872.3220
Fax: 312.540.9900
Email: ilcba@corpevent.com